7 Steps to make good friends

Hafsa Fatima
3 min readJan 4, 2023
  1. Listen to them carefully and answer

The way people talk, tells most about their background and when you get to know their background, you will notice similarities between both of you that help in better communication. Plus answer everything they ask you with full attention.

2. Ask questions about themselves

The best way to know a person in front of you is by asking questions, the more simple questions you ask, the closer you get. Don’t irritate that person with so many questions, but do ask essential ones.

3. Relate your hobbies and interest

The best way to win someone’s heart is to be interested in their interest. Find out what a person likes and dislike, hobbies and little talents. From this, you both will have the same topic to discuss and share thoughts on.

4. Give compliments

Observe the qualities and traits that you like in a person whom you want to be a friend and start complimenting them, this will make an extra space in his/her heart and mind for you.

5. Be positive while the discussion

If you start a conversation or any discussion, make sure that you respect their opinion even if you disagree with them. Every person has their way of thinking and circumstances. Be positive, even if you have a different opinion.

6. Be real you

You don’t need to pretend what you are not. Don’t overreact or fake yourself, just be casual and real about yourself. You don’t even need to feel underestimated if you lack in any phase, because being true to yourself is everything.

7. Polite and easygoing

To friends, you don’t need to be formal, talk casually and politely. Your background is analyzed by the way you behave and talk. Don’t be rude, be polite and easygoing in every conversation.

In today’s world it’s hard to find good friends and even harder to communicate with them, youth needs to know how to be socially active in daily life with their surrounding peoples. These are the simple 7 steps of how you can make new and good friends by yourself and enhance your social skills.

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