4 things that make you lose confidence

Hafsa Fatima
2 min readFeb 18, 2023


  1. Hopeless:

Everyone has a specific ray of light in their life that hold them, hugs them, and pushes them to work hard, if that light disappears a person loses hope and then loses every good thing he has. Things here are not to chase that same ray of light but to find a new one if you can’t find it, create a new ray of light, which can bring your happiness and confidence back to you.

2. Fears:

We may want to step out of our comfort zone, but face similar problems again and again. The real term for that barrier is not a problem, but fear. Stand, push yourself, take the risk, and then breathe because you just step in to fight with fear, this is your confidence.

3. Other thoughts:

You may want to do something, and you have interest and passion, but step back and stop. What will they think? What other people will say? Should I sacrifice just due to others’ thoughts? The answer is no, you do not need to think about what others think, they will just drain your energy and own style.

4. Not believing in you:

Being acknowledged for what you have and discovering yourself is a great blessing that anyone can ever have. The only thing is now to believe in yourself and your abilities. If you overcome your fears, other people talks, find that new ray of light every time you lose one, then cheer on your success. You just regain your self-esteem and found your hidden spark. You did it.

Copyright hafsafatima0202@gmail.com

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